The Authenticity of The Tradition of Ghadir Khumm [In reply to Ibn-Hashmi]

In reply to “Hadith of Ghadir Khumm [A Sunni Perspective, by Ibn-Hashmi]" In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful Peace and blessings upon Muhammad (SAW) and his pure progeny I recently read an article posted by ibn al-Hashimi on Ghadir "from a Sunni Perspective". Unfortunately the article is quiet non-academic in nature and a misrepresentation of one of the most glorious and blessed events in the history of mankind. I will not answer each and everything in the article simply because addressing the main premise will take care of everything else. However, I will comment on the approach that was taken in the article and then move on to answering some of the specific points that were raised. 1) The article is replete with quotation of comments from Shia forum members. These comment...