The Levels of Spirituality

INTRODUCTION The topic that we will attempt to discuss today is one that we do not see discussed very often. This is mainly because the realities that we will try to touch upon are understood only by true men of God - Muhammad wa aali muhammad and their true followers; the masters of ‘Irfan (Islamic Mysticism); those who are one with the esoteric and who can see and feel what we cannot. They speak from knowledge and experience. Average people who do not possess the baseerah (a higher degree of vision and insight) can only try to learn from what these individuals teach us. Therefore, we will try our best to limit this discussion to the teachings that we have received from the pure source of the prophet (saw) and Ahlulbayt. However, at several points we may try to look at the holy Qur’an and ahadith and try to connect the dots. Anything in this article that comes from other than a true scholarly source is mere conjecture. BACKGROUND When we look at the Quran, the hadith, ...