Why did God Create the Virus?
INTRODUCTION The world is going through a difficult time. We are living through one of the most significant pandemics in recent history. Along with the prevalence of disease and death, there are global impacts on almost all aspects of life. Uncertainty, fear and mental and physical exhaustion have gripped our minds and bodies. In such circumstances it is common for people to question their relationship with the pandemic and an All-Merciful and Omnipotent creator. We come across questions such as, " Why did God create this virus? Why does He not take it away? Why are so many people dying? How can a merciful God allow such pain and misery?" In this article we will attempt to answer such questions. Even though we are touching upon this topic in the backdrop of a significant global crisis, the opinions presented here are valid and relevant under any and all circumstances. The current global situation is only an opportunity for us to ponder deeply over what we cons...