
Showing posts from 2018

The Holy Quran And The Third Entity

Introduction One of the attributes of the Holy Quran is that it is a descriptive book. It contains descriptions of Allah's attributes and of his creations. Some of the descriptions are direct while others are abstract. There are abundant and clear undisputed references to Allah and the holy prophet throughout the holy Quran.   On some occasions, there are captivating descriptions of someone / something that don't (necessarily) refer to Allah and his prophet, yet are noteworthy in their own right. Such descriptions are of what we may refer to a "third entity". Depending on the description, the third entity may be the holy Quran, an individual, a group of people, or something entirely different.  The purpose of this article is not to provide detailed exegesis of Quranic verse. Rather, we will be listing and where required, briefly commenting on the specific aspects of the descriptions. The Third Entity  For the purpose of this article, we will define ...

Was the Holy Quran Sent for only Arabs?

There is no doubt that the Abrahamic religions are based in the Middle East. All the prophets mentioned within the Quran came from the same general region of ancient Arabia. The animals and foods mentioned in the Quran are of Arab origin. There is abundant mention of deserts and oasis in the holy book, but none of snow. Some of the cultural practices that the Quran refers to in condemnation or approval may be irrelevant to a European living at the time of Prophet Muhammad. However, none of this is incompatible with the Quran being a “universal” book. The message of Islam is Tawheed, which is a universal message. Everything else, including prophet hood are only means to deliver that message. When we say that the Quran is universal, it implies that it’s core message of Tawheed applies to everyone. In fact, the vast majority of the verses of the Quran are such that any human being can admire them and be guided by them, regardless of race, nationality, religion or ethnicity. ...